Kundalini Yoga & Gong Bath – Welcome Ceremony

Join us for the Welcome Ceremony with Teri Hall, Ruth Richman and Julie Pellissier-Lush. Kundalini Yoga is a dynamic blend of postures, pranayam, mantra, mudra, music, and meditation to help you learn the art of relaxation, self-healing, and elevation. The Kriya (set of postures) will prepare you for the sound, vibration, and deep relaxation of the gongs. Available for all levels.

Please bring: Comfortable clothing, a yoga mat and a bottle of water
Rain Location: Inside the PEI Convention Centre (4 Queen Street)

Follow the Island Tides Facebook and Instagram pages to stay up to date on rain locations and event cancellations.


Teri Hall

Yoga Instructor

Sat Nam. My name is Teri Hall and I am a yoga teacher and lifelong student of Life. I was introduced to yoga at a very young age and have been practicing and teaching various styles of Yoga for over 50 years. (Hatha, Kundalini, Chair, Restorative, and Yoga Nidra). I have always been drawn to yoga’s ability to help calm my mind, strengthen my body and most of all, to connect to my inner self. I integrate pranayama (breathing techniques), mindfulness and meditation into my classes and teach with wisdom, dedication and passion. I am always seeking opportunities to continue my education and growth as a teacher and to share these learnings with you. Off my mat, I can be found designing jewelry, painting, hiking, kayaking, and being in nature every chance I get.

Julie Pellissier-Lush

Cultural Teacher & Knowledge Keeper

Julie Pellissier-Lush is a Mi’kmaq storyteller, photographer, actor, drummer, best-selling author, and the first Indigenous Poet Laureate for PEI. Through her books, songs, poetry and other creative pursuits, Julie celebrates and shares the powerful stories of the Mi’kmaq on PEI. Amongst her many accomplishments, Julie helped script the play ‘Mi’kmaq Legends’, which has been performed countless times over the past 12 years across the Island. At her essence, Julie is a cultural teacher and knowledge keeper. She finds inspiration from her elders, as they bravely share their stories, and from today’s courageous youth who are embracing and celebrating their rich culture. Her five children serve as her greatest inspiration and enduring reason for getting up each day to teach, sing, and create in celebration of her Mi’kmaw roots. The multi-talented, heart-centred artist’s contributions to the Mi’kmaw community and PEI have not gone unnoticed. She is the recipient of the Queens Diamond and Platinum Jubilee Medal, the Meritorious Service Medal, and the Senators 150 Medal. Her plays continue to grow in popularity and are featured in various festivals and stand-alone productions across Atlantic Canada. Julie is currently writing a new ghost storybook with the Elders of PEI as well as two children’s books.


Friday, June 21


6:00 pm ( 75 Min )


Confederation Landing


2 Great George St, Charlottetown



Registration Closed